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Unicode, All of It

More discovering of interesting internet old/ and new. This one here is an incredible amount of work- if you ever needed anything... and I mean, anything related to Unicode, then this here web site is the OG site. Everything Unicode. 

The content is a number of years old, and there is a cautionary message welcoming visitors- letting us know that there hasn't been anything new in some time.

Caution and apology
I regret that I no longer have the time to keep this website up-to-date. The test pages include the Unicode 6.3 characters, and some of the Unicode 7.0 characters, but nothing more recent. The pages of fonts and utilities have not been updated for several years.

My question though- if you've exhausted anything and everything about a subject.. do we need updates? Maybe that's it- a final update; that there ill be no more updates(?).

Web Dings, Ding Bats, Symbols, many different(all) languages and the many styles of font. Remember the day you'd have to include a font file with your design- otherwise your site, or project may load in Explorer, but completely break in Netscape(yes..I said Netscape). Or maybe, a chance certain end users may not have a font.

The link below to Alan Wood's site- a museum of online typography really- and the many resources linked from it... just shows how intricate something most take for granted on a daily basis can be/ may have been.

Props go out to Alan Wood- the Unicode OG. - Make sure to check the different linked sites. Not only is it a blast from the past, but we get even more random awesome- useful, or just good timey. Explore.


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