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Maximising RF Range as per Texas Instruments

Making electronics such as semiconductors and pioneering advances in integrated circuits. Consistently Texas Instruments brings us innovation - in their "about me" they state this mentioning advancements "to make technology smaller, more efficient, more reliable and more affordable" – "Engineering Progress.", that is what Texas Instruments are about.

Wireless/ RF

Texas Instruments  or TI with their many product offerings and solutions, many of which fall into the category of being wireless- that is what our modern world is now- involving many technologies, but today we are talking more in the area of RF or Radio Frequencies. Though these technologies have advanced, and our knowledge has grown in said technologies- still, limitations exist. One of them, when talking about RF is the range that your solution needs, and realistically, the actual range possible with the technologies being utilized.

 How Far Can My RF Signal Transmit? Receive?

Sorry to burst your bubble, but, your goal of transmitting from your business  to Timbuktu- 6,000km away- is... unrealistic/ unachievable... Or, is it?

Texas Instruments Provides us with a Great Resource

Well, Texas Instruments have put together a resource comprised of an extensive PDF- all about wireless... the many technologies and types... perfect companion for the many products they offer... for specifics, I'd read up on whichever data sheet associated to the item, but this document is more a learning on the theory- how these things work- in general... and yeah yeah yeah look at you... you already know all this. Actually, I betcha, even with all your knowledge, you'll discover something new- it is a really well put together source of information on wireless. 

The Abstract of the PDF reads

" This application report addresses the parameters that affect the radio range. For identical radio settings, the range is highly dependent on the surroundings and environment. The link budget and the positioning of the antennas and their distance to the ground surface are major contributors to long range. A general specific range can never be specified or guaranteed for any type of radio communication unless the environment is well defined. Predicting a range is difficult and the excel sheet calculation [1] helps to calculate a realistic range that can be achieved for a known environment."

So, yeah the PDF document is an informative resource on wireless/ RF to further our understanding and foundation on said technologies and then we got a supplementary excel sheet... For crunching the data points. Helping determine the actual figures required for optimal wireless range -

The PDF:

TI Forum Post with general discussion and some user Q&A incase you, yourself have questions- they may be answerred here- also contains the excel file link in the first post:

TI Dedicated Page to  RF-RANGE-ESTIMATOR: with links to the most unto date version(s) of the Range Estimation for Indoor and Outdoor excel file 

[1] Direct link to excel file Range Estimation for Indoor and Outdoor:

Video discussing the Range Estimation for Indoor and Outdoor resources from Texas Instruments:


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