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Online/ Offline PCB Simulator ESP32 Arduino & More

Simulating Your PCB Online or Offline with Software

List of PCB simulators/ ESP32 simulators/ Arduino simulators... online, and offline PCB/ -Hardware simulators to help smooth out those bumpy rides we might take when working with these some times finnicky components. I personally like the "reverse engineering" feature some have... even having the capability to whip up schematics from images of the PCB. 

Simple/ Easy Project Completion

Effortlessly providing third party services resources to complete your project.
And, how easy is it, once you've finished, a parts list can be provided, going as far as direct part numbers to get, prices, links to components, estimated costs/ totals.. even directly being able to forward your project to a service like PCB Way- where everything is provided without any extra work on our end.

In no particular order, adding new ones as I learn about them, and adding notes as I further try these PCB simulators out or end up using 1 or some as my 'go tos'
  • Wokwi
    • ESP32/ Arduino simulator, and much more
    • Simple to use
    • Not as fully featured as others
    • Claim to be: "World's most advanced ESP32 simulator"
    • Free

  • TinkerCad
    • Large user group
    • Many examples and large use gallery of projects
    • Arduino heavy
    • $$
  • Target3001
    • Feature rich
    • Advanced
    • $$$
    • Free version lacking
    • Pro tip! You can get a free "Maker" non-commercial version that isn't as restricted as the free version
    • "Easy to use.  All in one. Pro­fes­sio­nal Layout CAD Soft­ware. De­ve­lop your next elec­tro­nic de­sign easi­ly, all in one tool, all in one pro­ject-file."
  • Altium Designer
  • KiCad
  • CurcuitLab
  • CurcuitMaker
  • Proteus
  • EasyEDA
  • Ansys
  • FreePCB

I will add on to the list and add on to the note as I try out different ones or discover any new PCB simulators... in the mean time... isn't it nice....

Seeing how your masterpiece will work without wasting time/ money...

If there's any I've missed that you know about, do let me know so that I can add to the list- and let me know if you have used any of these/ are using currently.


  1. Go to warmplace ru search for Virtual ANS3.. it's free and see the other softwares.. on the other side there is Berna3 which is the best software by Giorgio Sancristoforo... have fun.


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