Audio has a many time sparked my imagination, leading me to discoveries that expand my already set out interests. The sounds of bass and tempo, Detroit House from many years ago to move to- groove to. Learning about physics, math through such ideas as sending, receiving/ listening from far distances(and short) using novel means such as lasers. Physiology/ psychology- how sound effects the human- the good/ the bad. Humble reminders of how large and diverse the world around us by utilizing Software Defined Radio with the many frequencies that are invisible to us, yet bathe us constantly- sub giga hertz garage door openers, vehicle tire pressure sensors, the many other sensors- transmitting/ receiving constantly/ continuously- the static our devices make- electromagnetic frequencies- infrasound and discovering the rumbling noises the earth makes, the sounds of an eruption, discovering earth quakes and or thunder from distance far and wide- incorporating multiple devices to do time distance of arrival analysis and pin point their location(s)- detecting bats and learning their flight paths- not to mention all the software, technology.. the gadgets(!) the are involved with many if not all the above... but, truly, I've only mentioned a slice of the amazing developments in audio- did you know that it's possible to predict typing from a distance just by listening in on the keyboard/ typing? There's even a site that you can dump in your typing audio or audio to analyze and with a little bit of training the program...teaching it your can predict your typing with great consistency- throw in some AI and..... with implications of eaves dropping- spy stories of great historical events that could not have come to fruition if it were not for the aspect of sound and audio. Putting on our many different coloured hats, Black, Grey, White, Red...(Red? is there such a thing as Red Hat?")- either for discovering vulnerabilities, closing down loop holes, allowing for your self to push your grocery cart past its previously invisible border where crossing locked the wheels- all you did was play some gargled sounds and the wheels unlocked...Ok. I think the point is made clear- there's plenty when it comes to the subject.
The below will be an index of sorts- links to the info I'd stumbled across/ Information on the subject that caught my attention.
As time progresses, this list will be better grouped. But, in the meantime, as I discover(or remember past discoveries) them is how they will be listed below....
- Audio Capture & Analysis
- Kaleidescope- Sound analysis software for wildlife identification from Wildlife Acoustics. Used primarily with hardware from Wildlife Acoustics which offer numerous recording devices including those that record ultrasound for detecting bats. The software allows you to quickly sort, label, and identify bird songs, frog calls, and bat identifications from weeks, months, or even years of recordings. It has features like "Cluster Analysis". Cluster Analysis uses complex recognition algorithms to determine patterns within the audiofile. Automatically scanning audio recordings for bird songs, frog calls, bat echolocations, or other animal vocalizations- maybe even other "patterns"?. How about identifying a specific construction worker based on their hammering? Or a cyclist, based on their cadence and tempo- taking a recording of their riding and analyzing pedal rotation speed along with breathing pattern? Or identifying specific individuals based on ambient recording of typing... recording the audio in a library where numerous individuals are working on their computers... Identifying vehicles by their exhaust along with the other sounds a vehicle makes that we overlook- like the way the tires sound rolling across the road- maybe using that to determine rough speeds of vehicles?... Just throwing out some ideas on other use cases for the software. Let me know if you do use this software- especially if attempting to analyse other audio than wildlife.
- Wildlife Acoustics- Providing solutions, hardware/ software, to record and/or analyse audio with focus on identifying wildlife such as birds, frogs, and even ultrasound for bats. Also, their vast amounts of informative videos, on Vimeo- Wildlife Acoustics videos on Vimeo
- The TEMPEST standards- You've taken ever security measure, screened all your procurement channels- background checks and all... every loose end tightened down- afterall you are involved with confidential matters. Security must be at an all time priority with the highest levels of protections implemented. Every quarter, employees are mandated to have background checks completed- even credit checks done as to make sure no one has come into financial troubles that may cause them to dip into the company's coffers... except that 1 executive's computer, though locked down- has been compromised...leaking confidential data to numerous bad actors now for months- the only thing that's changed? That executive had their office moved to a well windowed, beautiful office overlooking the many other facilities/ departments- computer screen with a privacy filter on.. disconnected from any outside servers or connections... no one has accessed the actual computer yet it is still leaking data. How? Through the sound the computer makes processing the specific fonts utilized - the vibrations off the windows of he closely positioned computer- the unique sounds/ frequencies made of each key stroke.... You'd forgotten to implement the Tempest standards.
- RedVox - Now with all features, where previously a paid tier with full features, now all available for free- Record, review, share, analyze... sound, specifically Infrasound-- RedVox Infrasound Recorder is an App that can be downloaded on both IOS and Android devices with plenty of your basic audio application features such as record, save, replay, share... but, also a fantastic spectrogram of the audio- some apps give us this view, but not many provide a save/ record function where a spectrogram can be saved along with the audio. Further, signing up provides more features outside of the mobile environment with more storage and analysis available- collaborate with other RedVox members and utilize data captured in other geological locations and time- pinpoint where an earth quake may have been, or the sounds of an erupting volcano- or accidentally; your stomach rumbling.
- Lasers and Sound
- Information on the topic of sending, receiving, detecting, snooping on audio utilizing lasers.
- Information on the topic of sending, receiving, detecting, snooping on audio utilizing lasers.
- Here is a schematic to a IR laser receiver - can be used to detect IR devices along with receiving IR signals.
- Infrasound- See: RedVox
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