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Showing posts from August, 2024

Maximising RF Range as per Texas Instruments

Making electronics such as semiconductors and pioneering advances in integrated circuits. Consistently Texas Instruments brings us innovation - in their "about me" they state this mentioning advancements "to make technology smaller, more efficient, more reliable and more affordable" – "Engineering Progress.", that is what Texas Instruments are about. Wireless/ RF Texas Instruments  or TI with their many product offerings and solutions, many of which fall into the category of being wireless- that is what our modern world is now- involving many technologies, but today we are talking more in the area of RF or Radio Frequencies. Though these technologies have advanced, and our knowledge has grown in said technologies- still, limitations exist. One of them, when talking about RF is the range that your solution needs, and realistically, the actual range possible with the technologies being utilized.  How Far Can My RF Signal Transmit? Receive? Sorry to burst you...

Windows Doesn't recognize Your HackRF device? Wrong Drivers? Try ...

 Mostly for me to remember, but Windows at times has a lapse in judgement with certain devices, DIY gadgets, peripherals that you maybe trying to connect to- for me, it was my HackRF( I have since stumbled upon a better way to start for the HackF if having driver woes- which I will cover in another post- but keep reading, since this is still good knowledge to know regarding driver issues )- no matter what, my PC could not recognize the HackRF/ or would recognize it, but as a keyboard. I required Windows to apply the correct drivers to the device so that it could be recognized for what it is... a...SDR. A HackRF.  Guessing What's Right... Making Assumptions. Getting it Wrong. So, really what we see here is that when connecting that never connected before thing into your PC, Windows is making an assumption on what that thing is, and then applying the best driver that it thinks suites that thing... From experience, and a general rule of life... "assumptions" aren't the b...

Faster Type, Type Faster

 While perusing the vast interwebs, I'd get sucked back into my inbox where in a email garnered my attention- It had been some time since I'd visited this particular sender's site... I believe, I had actually requested the email subscription cancelled... yet.. the emails kept on being sent. Not as aggressively as in the past, I'll give them that. The sender in question is actually an online web shop, mainly geared to audio files & keyboard enthusiasts-g the site is Drop. Yup. There isn't much that interests me there these days... I find a good potion of the items available on Aliexpress(ok, maybe not so fancy of form factor.....but $100 keycaps?) . I got sucked in, & hard...found myself doing the endless scrolling through products to possibly find that 1 rare gem.... I didn't find anything... projectwise.... actually, 1 of my intended reasons for having poked onto the site was to see if there was anything related to a defective product I had purchased so...

Experiments in Sound

 Audio has a many time sparked my imagination, leading me to discoveries that expand my already set out interests. The sounds of bass and tempo, Detroit House from many years ago to move to- groove to. Learning about physics, math through such ideas as sending, receiving/ listening from far distances(and short) using novel means such as lasers. Physiology/ psychology- how sound effects  the human- the good/ the bad. Humble reminders of how large and diverse the world around us by utilizing Software Defined Radio with the many frequencies that are invisible to us, yet bathe us constantly- sub giga hertz garage door openers, vehicle tire pressure sensors, the many other sensors- transmitting/ receiving constantly/ continuously- the static our devices make- electromagnetic frequencies- infrasound and discovering the rumbling noises the earth makes, the sounds of an eruption, discovering earth quakes and or thunder from distance far and wide- incorporating multiple devices to do t...