Not exactly an SDR- Targeted towards the sub ghz ranges. Your 300s'mhz, 400s'mhz, 800s'mhz, lastly 900s'mhz are the general frequency ranges that the device is particularly geared for. For those who lack the experience, may associate them to children's toys, garage door openers, "gadgets", key fobs... In fact, many technologies utilize some function or another that falls into those portions of the RF spectrum... I guess partially due to Flipper, making it out to just an area to dabble in... splash about with the many modules ... but....that previous sentence up back there hinted at the powers that lie within- "key fobs"..."garage door openers"... for those with the necessity to do so, a tool such as this can find itself very useful... We underestimate how much of the current infrastructure around us is utilizing such technology - to communicate "slow down, children playing"- even control traffic- many signs- entrances to bu...